What is Green Mountain Space?

Jess, Owner of Green Mountain Space, Home Organizer

Jess, Owner of Green Mountain Space, Home Organizer

When I’m organizing spaces for clients or myself I’m almost always listening to music.

When I’m stressed and overwhelmed music is my saving grace. Listening to music keeps me motivated and focused to complete any task at hand. I’ll even play little games with myself like. Ok—I’m going to take a 3 minute break after this Queen song.

If you are following me on social media you will most likely see me organizing with some sort of music in the background. It has helped me through some of the worst times in my life, from going through a divorce, moving 14 times in 12 years, and coping with the loss of my dad. Music makes any transformative time easier when you find lyrics that directly speak to your soul. It positivity impacts your mood and it brings people together such as it did in 2020 with my business partner and now husband, Aaron.

One night, I was told my hours were going to be reduced at my part time job.

We just were not the right fit for each other and that is ok. I let it sink in for a few days but then I was like CRAP?!? Now what am I going to do. Here I am 32 years old, thinking I was leaving corporate banking to be a teacher, (which did not work out BTW) to being hired as a social media manager/ wedding coordinator to not having a job or a direction to go. I was lost and unsure what my next move was going to be. So I did what any analytical Ennegram Type 1 would do. I researched my options. I listened to music, motivational podcasts and audio books by great speakers like Mel Robbins, Jen Sincero, and Rachel Hollis. I then stumbled on a Skill Share class on Finding Your Purpose with your Career.

Property of Skillshare.com

After listening to this class and journaling my next move, I discovered my past experiences of being a team captain on my cheerleading team, working with my parents in their business, and traveling with my father for event planning, working in the corporate sector for over 10 years, and selling my shares of a successful cleaning company, laid foundations and prepared me for a new adventure of opening my own organizing company.

I have been organizing as a side hustle since 2015 helping friends, family members, and co-workers clear their clutter so they could live lighter and breathe a sigh of relief when they come home after a hard day's work. In January 2021, I took the plunge and decided to make this my full-time job.

”Find the job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Mark Twain

Oh—is that ever a true statement. I love helping people. I love taking the burdens of clutter off people plates. Think of Green Mountain Space as the personal trainer for your home.

In January 2021, I immediately started working on my business plans into the wee hours of the night. During the time of building and growth, I listened to my musical medicine, Trevor Hall. He inspires me to live simply and humbly. His lyrics remind me that all we need in life is to love and give compassion to others. He has a song called Green Mountain State. His voice has been described as “voices of 1000 gods all rolled into one” by his dear brother Nahko and Medicine For The People. There is a line in the song that says, There’s a way, there’s a way, there’s a way.

Trevor Hall

Trevor Hall

Yes, I know it’s almost the exact name but continue reading and you will find out the meaning behind the name and our interpretations. There is a way—to be organized. I wanted my business name to like song lyrics intentional, sagacious, and mindful.

Green Mountain Space is a full-service home organizing company serving Asheville, NC, and surrounding areas helping busy professionals, families, and retirees clear their clutter so they may live a more peaceful life. We give people the freedom to live to their fullest potential by having an efficient and organized space.

But wait there is more…

When people ask me why I chose the name I often get the comment, “How does that relate to being an organizer? or That does not make any sense.” 

To answer the people who consistently ask these types of questions who have never heard of Trevor I have a second reason and it has everything to do with organizing and our business. Green—Mountain—Space. Think about it.

To live Green. 

My husband, co-owner of Green Mountain Space, and I believe in making conscious decisions daily to help lower our carbon footprint. From growing our own food to using the Buycott app while we grocery shop, to choosing paper over plastic or bringing our reusable bags, to collecting our drinking water from a fresh spring on highway 9 in Black Mountain, NC. We never buy more than what our space needs and we give away items to those in need versus taking them to Goodwill.  We try our best to use and recommend eco-friendly products when we organize your home. More Bamboo and less Plastic.

As often as we can, we recommend organizing products that are BPA-free, made from bamboo, or recycled materials. We will be sharing our entire list of preferred eco-friendly organizing products soon. But for now, we will keep moving forward.

Blue ridge mountains Asheville NC

Conquer the Mountain.

Getting organized can feel like you are climbing to a summit that’s 10,000 feet above ground in a fog so thick that you can’t see where you need to take the next step. You feel afraid if you take a wrong step you might fall off the mountain and tumble into an abyss that you feel you cannot climb out of. It can feel perpetually endless, circling the same spot of clutter, and you are tired of looking at your stuff.

It can be frustrating to be stuck not knowing where to start on your path to getting organized. Seeing the same pile in the same corner or just being too busy with life to have moments of clarity. That is where we come in. 

When we are organizing with you, or for you, we pull everything out into the open for you to see the items that have been stored away, and 100% of the time, never fails, we always hear, “Oh I forgot about that.” or “Oh I haven’t seen that in years.” 

Part of our process is that we unpack everything in the space. Literally. We help you make decisions on what items they wish to keep and what they could donate to those in need. We are not going to sugar coat it, seeing all of your items out in the open spread out can be overwhelming and make you feel anxious. We help you climb the mountain and sort through your things one step at a time. Remember we are personal trainers for your home.

In a perfect world, we work side-by-side with you helping you make conscious decisions about placement and fluidity. However, we know that it is not about us. It’s about you. Some clients just don’t have time to be with us and need the job done, that’s ok too. We think theoretically and analytically about the placement of items in your home to maximize your space. If you live a busy life, we have regular check-ins to validate our progress and keep you informed. The point is, the mountain that you feel you cannot conquer, you don’t have to do it alone. We are here to help you.

Have more Space. 

We help you create space in your life so you can spend time doing the things you love. Space for adventure, space for time, and space for peace. Being organized gives you back time and money. Yes, money. Not being able to find an item in your home and then going out to buy a new one and then finding the item which you thought you lost in the first place, not only wastes money but it wastes your time. We want to give you back your time. We want to put money in your pocket, and give you your space back. Everyone wants more space. Space is time. Time is endless. 

Do you wish you had more time with your kids? Are you running a business and feel like your office is out of control?

Do you wish to downsize so you don’t have so much to deal with? Do you want to be organized but just don’t know where to start?

“Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.” —Leonardo DeVinci.

We are no comparison to Leo but we do share the same values. We strive to help you live intentionally by helping you get organized

I feel as though I have ranted and go on and on about our name and our values, how we help, and who we help. Thank you for time and reading this exert. I’m sure it will evolve and I will revamp it, but for now, if you would like to know more about our services or about us, send us a message we would love to hear from you. We offer free in-home organizing consultations for Asheville, NC area residents.

Cheers to you and remembering there is always ‘a way.’

With Intention,
Jess and Aaron
Owners and Operators

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